Saturday, December 31, 2022

Year End "Leadership"


How does one define "leadership" in a year of reflection? At best, its been a transitional year. As some of you may know or have read, I pick a word each year that represents my focus for the year. This year (2022) was renewal.

However, I choose to make it "Re-New-AL." 

The word is a representation of the past two years in regard to my health and the world's health. I like to spend time at the end of the year, reviewing my calendar and the challenges and accomplishments that have been a part of the last 365 days.

A great deal of my time was spent in various different doctor offices (about 13 days each month on average). My calendar was also full of opportunities at church. I am a faithful person and I have spent at least half an hour each day in what I call my "focus time" to reflect and contemplate my faith journey.

During the summer, I had occurrence to spend time at camp and in service of over 400 folks and moving my service total to 54,017 youth in over four decades. This was a huge renewAL for me in what I did not know I had had the stamina or energy to continue that mode of service. 

I reorganized my focus in early fall and took a break from writing and choose to spend some time listening. I choose to join a new group of voices (The Summer Camp Society) and I have gone into that group with the mindset that "I want to speak as though I am right and listen as though I am wrong."

In the late fall, I had opportunity to re-connect and renew in Southern California with friends and family. Noting three trips to In & Out burger while on that trip.

As I contemplate my new word for 2023, I think about the leadership lessons from this year of Re-New-AL. I want to sum it all up and tie it in a bow (as the season dictates). I know I am learning from my own family and especially my children.

I am working towards managing my life to continue to seek ways to improve. I long to reconnect and I had many moments to do so throughout this past year. I long for those late night conversations at camp that go nowhere but mean everything.

Many a summer night's spent in conversation on this porch.

So, here's what I know.  I want to say these things I learned and gained in my renewAL. It is clear to me that I am influenced by a competing thought where I am living my best life versus being the best version of myself. It has been incremental and miniscule change. I am leaning towards living the best version of myself and knowing that I don't have to be in one particular location or role (camp) to do so. As Becky Bursell (from Maxwell Leadership Podcast) says, "Faith it 'til you make it."

Lessons with Impact (Environmental Leadership)

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